
NEW! Full Time Kindergarten Programming

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Bon Accord Community School is looking to offer a full- time, supplemental Kindergarten Program for the 2024-2025 school year - SPROUT!  

S.T.E.A.M Programming, Rich Opportunities, Understandings and Teachings!

This potential full-time option is a cost to parents and comes with no additional supports in the classroom.

It is important to note that currently, the Alberta Government only funds half time Kindergarten.




Program Delivery and Activities

Students will participate in organized activities within a structured play-based environment.

Monthly themes will extend their learning in the regular Kindergarten program to foster curiosity, innovation and creativity. 

Hands on learning and outdoor and nature-based programming will be utilized frequently to foster healthy child development, connections to the land, and active, kinesthetic learning.


Children must be five years old on or before December 31, 2024 and live within the school’s attendance area to be eligible for Kindergarten Programs.  Students should be able to independently dress themselves, use the washroom, and listen to directions as no additional supports will be available other than the teacher.

Program Cost and Requirements

Parents who choose to enroll children will be required to pay a fee; maximum $350/per month. Higher enrollment reduces cost.

Parents are encouraged to volunteer to support with activities.

The program requires a minimum number of 19 registrants to make the program viable and there will also be a cap on enrollment to provide the necessary value to students.

Complete the Google Form to express interest.  Confirmation of registration to parents and guardians will be provided by the school by June 28th if enough registrations and the program is moving forward.

Complete the google form to express interest and pre-register.


The Kindergarten program at Sturgeon Public Schools is widely recognized for its holistic approach to early education. We provide a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for young children, emphasizing the development of the whole child. Our curriculum is aligned with Alberta standards while accommodating each student's unique needs. Our program aims to instill a love of learning and nurture children's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth. 

Our teachers are highly qualified, experienced, and dedicated to helping children reach their full potential. They employ hands-on, play-based activities and project-based learning to keep students engaged and excited about learning. Our program includes special activities such as community connections, field trips, in-class field trips, music, art, and physical education. Our classrooms are enhanced with interactive technology that is regularly incorporated into the learning experience. 

At Sturgeon Public Schools, we emphasize parent involvement and encourage regular communication with parents to ensure that each student's learning needs are being met. Consistent communication between home and school enhances our kindergarteners' educational experience. We also welcome caregiver involvement in our Kindergarten classrooms. 

Program Foundations

Children who are well-prepared academically and socially at a young age perform better throughout their education. We focus on the following:

  • Early literacy and numeracy skills 
  • Challenging and stimulating learning practices 
  • Learning through play 
  • Hands-on and project-based learning
  • Collaboration and creativity 

Our Kindergarten Program provides children with a foundation for their education and sets them on the path of success.